Friday, November 9, 2012

Up to $400,000 available for California Specialty Crop Block Grants (SCBG)

The Request for Applications (RFA) for the 2013 Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG) Program was issued November 1, 2012.  

Concept proposals are due December 7, 2012.   

The purpose of the program is to:
(1) Enhance the marketability and competitiveness of specialty crops through the development of markets (local, domestic, and international) for all California producers to leverage the work and commitment of a diversity of stakeholders;
(2) Expand access to healthy, safe California specialty crops at school, at work and in their neighborhoods
(3) Expand stewardship practices, natural resource conservation and the development of ecosystem services to improve the environmental and financial performance of California specialty crop growers
(4) Ensure the viability of California specialty crops by investing in the next generation of operators

Specialty crops are fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). Visit for a comprehensive list of specialty crops.

Grant awards ranging from $50,000 to $400,000 for two years, nine months and cannot be expended before October 1, 2013 or after June 30, 2016.  Funding is contingent upon passage of the Farm Bill (Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012).

Solicitation Process
California has a two-step process, which is not the case in every state.  Applicants first submit a concept proposal; CDFA will then invite selected applicants to submit full proposals based on their review of the concept proposals.  Applicants typically have about 30 days to complete a concept proposal and about 45 to complete a full proposal. 

Although Concept Proposals may address multiple Funding Categories, applicants must select a single category that is the primary focus of their proposal.  There is no limit to the number of concept proposals applicants may submit, however each submission must represent a unique project.

Following are a list of Funding Categories areas identified by CDFA, detailed below.
(1)     Market Enhancement
(2)     Agricultural Education
(3)     Nutrition
(4)     Environmental Stewardship and Conservation
(5)     Plant Health and Invasive Species Impact Mitigation
(6)     Food Safety

(1)     Market Enhancement
Projects that promote the California Grown message and increase or develop long-term sales and competitiveness of specialty crop products.  Examples include:
-          Support statewide market promotion and awareness of specialty crops
-          Support specialty crop marketing concepts that target the unique characteristics of local and regional areas
-          Increase customers and sales of California specialty crops at Certified Farmers’ Markets

(2)     Agricultural Education
Projects that improve the public’s knowledge and understanding of specialty crop agriculture and its beneficial importance to the health and well-being of all Californians.  Examples include:
-          Strengthen specialty crop agricultural job training skills for beginning farmers
-          Educate consumers about California’s specialty crops
-          Reconnect communities with specialty crop production
-          Educate the public about the identity and threat of invasive species to California specialty crops

(3)     Nutrition
Projects that improve access and consumption of specialty crops and/or that integrate human health and nutrition with specialty crops.  Examples include:
-          Increase participation in under-utilized federal nutrition assistance programs
-          Develop community and school gardens, urban farms, and other innovative projects that support local and regional food systems
-          Increase consumption of specialty crops among all populations through vigorous marketing, promotion and public/private partnerships
-          Implement school initiatives that link cafeterias, classrooms, gardens, parents, worksites, and communities with local farmers
-          Develop farm-to-fork networks that include schools, worksites, retail, and restaurant outlets to connect local agriculture with nearby communities
-          Promote and/or demonstrate the health benefits of California specialty crops

(4)     Environmental Stewardship and Conservation
Projects that enhance soil health and the conservation of agricultural land, water, habitat, and biodiversity as well as proposals that address agriculture’s specialty crop contribution to adaptation and/or mitigation of climate change.  Examples include:
-          Integrate resource base issues (i.e. improve both air and water resources)
-          Address regulatory challenges for California’s specialty crop growers
-          Assist communities and/or decision makers in planning for specialty crop agriculture
-          Assist growers “in adapting to” climate change by conducting research and implementation of strategies where technologies are already available – such as water use efficiency and invasive pest detection, control and management
-          Accelerate Best Management Practices (BMP) implementation for water conservation and efficiency

(5)     Plant Health and Invasive Species Impact Mitigation
Projects that address pests and diseases that affect the production of California’s specialty crops.  This includes applied research related to the probability and impact of invasive pest, disease and weed threats to specialty crops, and research to develop tools to detect, eradicate and control pests and diseases.  Examples include:
-          Enhance the speed and reliability of detection
-          Develop new tools for eradication
-          Develop plants resistant to pests and diseases
-          Develop secondary inspection and detection capacity
-          Conduct pest surveys to ascertain threat and spread of threat
-          Develop pest protocol programs for a subsector of specialty crops

(6)     Food Safety
CDFA has a partnership agreement with the University of California, Davis’ Center for Produce Safety (CPS).  CPS will release a separate food safety proposal solicitation. Please contact CPS at (530) 757-5777 or visit the CPS website at for the solicitation timeline and proposal requirements.

-          Non Profit Organizations
-          For Profit Organizations
-          Local, State and Federal Governmental Entities
-          Tribal Governments
-          Public and Private Colleges and Universities
Proposals must solely benefit the production of, and access to, California specialty crops. Grant funds will not be awarded for proposals that directly benefit or provide a profit to a single organization, institution, or individual.  Cooperatives and for-profit organizations may be awarded SCBG grants with sufficient evidence that the project will benefit the industry. 

Match funds are not required, however they are strongly encouraged.

Contact Morrison & Company for more information on this grant and our grant writing services: 

Brent Morrison, or 530-893-4764, ext. 202

Morrison & Company's historic success rate with grant proposals is approximately 83%.  Our capacity is limited and we always have more requests to assist than we can accommodate.  If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible.  

About Morrison & Company
Morrison & Company provides business valuations, business planning (including budgeting, cash flow forecasting, strategic planning), feasibility studies, interim executive CFO services, competitive grant writing and is routinely engaged to tackle special projects that don't fit into any conventional category.  Morrison & Company specializes in agricultural grants, farm grants, environmental grants and alternative energy grants.

Technical Assistance and Training Grants - $17 million available

The Request for Applications (RFA) for the USDA Rural Development Technical Assistance and Training Grants has been issued.  Applications are due December 31, 2012. 

Objectives of the Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program are to:
          - Identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste disposal problems in rural areas. 
          - Assist applicants in preparing applications for water and waste grants made at the State level offices. 
          - Improve operation and maintenance of existing water and waste disposal facilities in rural areas.

NOTE: Rural areas are defined as any area not in a city or town with a population in excess of 10,000, according to the latest decennial census of the United States.

Estimated Total Program Funding: $17,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 11

Note: The grant announcement does not list a grant floor or ceiling, however the majority grants awarded in fiscal 2009 were between $80,000 and $1,000,000

For more information, visit:

    Technical Assistance and Training Grants may be used to:
            Identify and evaluate solutions to water problems of associations in rural areas relating to:
a.        Source
b.       Storage
c.        Treatment
d.       Distribution
            Identify and evaluate solutions to waste problems of associations in rural areas relating to:
a.        Collection
b.       Treatment
c.        Disposal
             Assist associations that have filed a pre-application with the Agency in the preparation of water and/or waste loan and/or grant applications.

             Provide training to association personnel that will improve the management, operation and maintenance of water and waste disposal facilities.

             To pay expenses associated with providing technical assistance and/or training.

Entities eligible for grants must be private nonprofit organizations with tax exempt status, designated by the Internal Revenue Service. A nonprofit organization is defined as any corporation, trust, association, cooperative, or other organization that:
          - Is operated primarily for scientific, education, service, charitable, or similar purposes in the public interest.
          - Is not organized primarily for profit.
          - Uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations

For additional eligibility information, visit

Contact Morrison & Company for more information on this grant and our grant writing services: 

Brent Morrison, 530-893-4764, ext. 202, or
Stacy Kennedy,  530-893-4764, ext. 203

About Morrison & Company
Morrison & Company provides business valuations, business planning (including budgeting, cash flow forecasting, strategic planning), feasibility studies, interim executive CFO services, competitive grant writing and is routinely engaged to tackle special projects that don't fit into any conventional category.  Morrison & Company specializes in agricultural grants, farm grants, environmental grants and alternative energy grants.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Up to $50,000 available for Risk Management Education

The Request for Applications (RFA) for the 2013 Western Center for Risk Management Education Program was issued November 1, 2012.  

Pre-proposal are due December 12, 2012. 

The purpose of the program is to fund projects that help farm and ranch families succeed through targeted risk management strategies.  Effective risk management means selecting tools and approaches that reduce the adverse financial effects of the uncertainties of weather, yields, prices, credit, government policies, global markets and other factors, including human resources and legal issues – all of which can cause wide swings in farm income or threaten the economic viability of the farm or ranch.

Effective risk management education should help producers make a comparative risk assessment of alternative production or management practices.

Grant awards typically range from $5,000 to $50,000, although there is no absolute upper or lower limit.  Awards will be for 12 month programs beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014.

Solicitation Process
This program has a two-step process.  Applicants first submit a pre-proposal application; The Western Center will then invite selected applicants to submit full proposals based on their review of the concept proposals.  The Western Center will notify applicants by February 1, 2013 if they have been selected to submit full proposals.  Full proposals will be due by February 28, 2013.  Awardees will be notified by May 1, 2013.

For the full RFA, visit:


The Western Center is interested in projects that cover the spectrum of risk management needs for agricultural producers.  The following risk topic areas will be given extra consideration (detailed below):
(1)     Managing risks associated with the increased volatility of input costs and market prices
(2)     Managing risks associated with pests, diseases and natural disasters such as drought, floods, and fire that affect the economic viability of farms and ranches
(3)     Managing counterparty risk of default
(4)     Managing business risk and building capacity for beginning and transitioning farmers and ranchers

(1)     Increased volatility of input costs and market prices
Projects that build the capacity of farmers and ranchers to manage market volatility through one or more of the following: improved marketing, forward contracting, strategic outlook, enterprise diversification, the economics of production management and financial planning are regional risk management priorities. Due to increased volatility, farm and ranch gross revenue, costs, and profit variability have greatly increased agricultural producers’ financial risk.

(2)     Pests, diseases and natural disasters
Pest infestations, diseases and natural disasters are unexpected events that can greatly increase agricultural producers’ production, market and financial risks. Projects that address these types of risks through improved understanding and use of: insurance products, risk mitigating production strategies and strategic planning are regional risk management priorities.
For example: in the case of fire or drought livestock producers ability to graze expected forage sources may be eliminated. Proposals that help producers evaluate and implement alternative feeds and forage sources such as emergency CRP grazing are encouraged.

(3)     Counterparty risk of default
Contracts are increasingly being used for marketing and asset management. As agricultural market volatility increases, the risk of contractual default increases. Losses from this risk often come without warning, and can be significant. Counterparty risk is the risk that the party on the other end of your contract will not perform as agreed and may default on that contract.
This can be broken down further into the risks involved with:
a) Payment and/or delivery default
b) Contracts that have no value
c) Deferred payments may not be received
An example of counterparty risk is a hay farmer delivering hay where the buyer defaults on payment which forces the hay farmer to undertake collective action. Agriculture producers need to increase their ability to manage the increasing complexity of counterparty risk through risk management education and programs.

(4)     Beginning and transitioning farmers and ranchers
Beginning and transitioning farmers as well as farmers seeking to pursue new markets are identified as a special emphasis audience. Proposals are encouraged that develop risk management programs for this audience. Projects that use the Building Farmers in the West comprehensive program management guide may qualify for train the trainer instruction and support provided by the Building Farmer in the West program. Programs using other beginning and transitioning farmer curriculums will be equally considered and are encouraged to apply.

-          Private and public groups
-          Organizations
-          Institutions including land grant colleges and universities
-          Cooperative extension
-          Other colleges and universities
-          Qualified public and private entities in the region with a demonstrated capacity to develop and deliver educational programs for agricultural producers and their families:
o    Farm organizations
o    Commodity groups
o    Lenders
o    Consultants
o    Marketers
o    Risk management service providers (such as crop insurance agents and other non-governmental and community based organizations)

The Western Center serves Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the U.S. affiliated Pacific Islands.

No match required.

Contact Morrison & Company for more information on this grant and our grant writing services: 

Brent Morrison, 530-893-4764, ext. 202, or
Stacy Kennedy,  530-893-4764, ext. 203